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Insider's Guide Trading Service (IGTS)
INSIDER'S GUIDE Trading Service
Welcome To The INSIDER'S GUIDE 2020 (2:19)
Teachable Accounts + Support
Course Requirements + PREREQUISITES
Instructor Access: Q&A CLASSROOMS
WEEK 1: The Scan
WEEK 1 - Lecture (48:20)
Training Scan Layout - TC2000
Procedure For Obtaining Pre-Configured TC2000 Layout
WEEK 1: Review
Q&A 1 - Pre-recorded (33:31)
WEEK 2: Levels
WEEK 2 - Lecture (63:26)
WEEK 2: Review
WEEK 2 - Review Lecture + Q&A (116:10)
WEEK 3: Contraction + Arbitrage
WEEK 3 - Lecture (50:17)
WEEK 3: Review
WEEK 3 - REVIEW Lecture + Q&A (113:10)
WEEK 4: Basic Triggers + Pattern Resistance
WEEK 4 - Lecture (49:59)
Pattern RESISTANCE Analysis
WEEK 4: Review
WEEK 4 - REVIEW Lecture + Q&A (96:18)
WEEK 5: Standard Order Flow Entries + Cycle Theory
WEEK 5 - Lecture (52:46)
WEEK 5: Review
WEEK 5 - REVIEW Lecture + Q&A (94:22)
WEEK 6: EMA Levels
WEEK 6 - Lecture (62:48)
WEEK 6: Review
WEEK 6 - REVIEW Lecture + Q&A (106:12)
WEEK 7: GAPS + GAP Triggers
WEEK 7 - Lecture (42:27)
WEEK 7: Review
WEEK 7 REVIEW Lecture (106:48)
WEEK 8: Market Timing
WEEK 8 - Lecture (71:21)
WEEK 8: Review
WEEK 8 REVIEW + Q&A (104:02)
WEEK 9: Patterns + Personality
WEEK 9 - Lecture (74:45)
WEEK 9: Review
WEEK 9 REVIEW Lecture (74:27)
WEEK 10: Price-Action Patterns
WEEK 10 - Lecture (65:56)
PA Pattern Training Slides
WEEK 10: Review
WEEK 10 REVIEW Lecture (96:42)
WEEK 11: Context Patterns + Quick Scanning
WEEK 11 - Lecture (58:41)
INDEXING Context For Scan Scripts
Confirmation-Divergence CHEAT SHEET
WEEK 12: Reversals
WEEK 12 - Lecture (61:33)
WEEK 13: Cross-Back Reversals
WEEK 13 - Lecture (52:57)
WEEK 13: Review
WEEK 13 REVIEW Lecture (81:14)
WEEK 14: Finessing Entries + Management Preparation
WEEK 14 - Lecture (86:27)
ORDER MECHANICS - Breakout Triggers
ORDER MECHANICS - Breakout Triggers (34:01)
WEEK 14: Review
WEEK 14 REVIEW Lecture (111:43)
WEEK 15: Introduction To Trade MANAGEMENT
WEEK 15 - Lecture (66:12)
WEEK 15: Review
WEEK 15 REVIEW Lecture (73:12)
WEEK 16 - Lecture (100:50)
WEEK 17: Trade Management FLOW
ADVANCED TRAINING: Management Flow (102:58)
WEEK 18: Building A Trade Management Mechanism
ADVANCED TRAINING: Watch Me Build A Trade Management Mechanism (33:09)
WEEK 19: Base Consolidation ANALYSIS
Base Consolidation Analysis Q&A (52:18)
WEEK 20: X-Back Reversal Mastery
ADVANCED TRAINING: X-Back Reversal Mastery (22:34)
WEEK 21: Continuations vs Reversals (Selecting the LRE in ANY cycle)
ADVANCED TRAINING: Continuations vs Reversals (70:25)
WEEK 22: Proper Sampling For CONSISTENCY
Week 21: Proper Sampling For CONSISTENCY (with Ahmed) (82:35)
WEEK 23: Position Sizing For Wealth-Creation
Week 22: Position Sizing For Wealth-Creation (Guest Host SCOTT ROBINSON) (45:13)
SCOTT's Plunge Campaign Sheet
WEEK 24: Building A Base Consolidation Scan (with CANDACE)
ADVANCED TRAINING: Building A Base Consolidation SCAN (41:02)
TC2000 PCF: Base Consolidation Scan
WEEK 26: Scan Objectives
ADVANCED TRAINING: Scan Objectives (47:43)
WEEK 17 - Lecture (44:09)
TC2000 Custom Formula Cheat Sheet
TC2000 Help Site: Personal Criteria Formulas (PCF)
TC2ooo Help LINKS
Counttrue Arguments
Generic Early-Cycle Scans (Long + Short)
Green-Red-Green + Red-Green-Red Continuation Patterns
Window-Of-Opportunity (3-6 MACD + 12-26 MACD)
WOO Combination Scripts
3-Week Patterns: Long + Short
MACD Zero-Line X-Over (Last X Intervals)
MACD Signal-Line X-Over (Last X Intervals)
High/Low + IB + Reversal PATTERNS
Generic Reversal (3-6 MACD Signal-Line WOO) + Contextual Trend
Positive 3-EMA Divergence
3-EMA Pattern Resistance Eliminator PCFs
STN LOGIC (Early-Cycle)
Negative 3-EMA Divergence Elimination
Scan 1: Zero-Line X-over
Scan 2: 12-26 WOO (Window-Of-Opportunity)
Scan 3: Early-Cycle (EC) Continuation
Scan 4: 3-6 Window of Opportunity (WOO) Continuation
Scan 5: 3-6 Window of Opportunity (WOO) Reversal
Scan 6: W+M Patterns
WEEK 28: BONUS - Watch me coach a student LIVE!
Coaching Sample: Style & Structure Development with JOSH! (36:37)
WEEK 29: Simplified Management FLOW
Simplified Management FLOW - An Intuitive/Mechanical Primer For Management Mastery (29:51)
TC2000 V.20 TUTORIAL (Latest Version) (7:11)
Confirmation + Divergence CHEAT SHEET
Investor's Business Daily (IBD) Stock Indexes
IGTS Q&A Classrooms
Q&A - January 5, 2023 4 PM EST -- A simple mean-reversion context for low-float, non-correlated momentum scans! (65:54)
Q&A - December 29, 2022 4 PM EST -- Why screen time IS NOT looking at historical price-charts! (78:37)
Q&A - December 22, 2022 4 PM EST -- It's all about CONTRACTION: define and sort it properly and consistency is GUARANTEED! (90:28)
Watch me run a 3-minute quick-scan and find 3 profitable trades! (Q&A December 8, 2022) (5:45)
SUCCESS STORY! -- Student JEFF S. turns $8,300 into $22,000 in 6 WEEKS! (3:18)
Q&A - December 1, 2022 4 PM EST -- A scan doesn't mean you know how to trade + Defining a breakout + Dave's samples are CONSISTENT! (97:48)
Q&A - November 17, 2022 4 PM EST -- How to use the Market Timing Model + Slingshot logic + structure + proper weekly price-action analysis! (107:58)
Q&A - November 3, 2022 4 PM EST -- Weekly Counter-trend trade management + Jeff kills it short! + Dave demonstrates weekly analytical consistency + Jack stayed out of META! (115:44)
Q&A - October 27, 2022 4 PM EST -- WEEKLY BREAKOUT-trade the continuation or reversal + Bottom picking with Dave + Sorting WOOs + Defining LOW RISK! (74:45)
Q&A - October 20, 2022 4 PM EST -- Pick 1 Level for Continuations or Reversals + Jack's huge breakthrough! + A simple system: Low-risk Weekly trend changes! (114:01)
Q&A - October 13, 2022 4 PM EST -- Tips for new students + Building repeatable MODELS + Why you need an OBJECTIVE + Easy Weekly Convergent Analysis! (88:38)
Q&A - October 6, 2022 4 PM EST -- A MEAN-REVERSION primer + 3 KEYS to consistency + mastering MARKET DYNAMICS + Student samples! (108:54)
Q&A - September 29, 2022 4 PM EST -- A Primer on PRICE-ACTION TREND Analysis + Why you SHOULD NOT have covered the TSLA short + Student samples & More! (109:55)
Q&A - September 22, 2022 4 PM EST -- 1- and 2-bar WOO analysis + Adding direction to structural expansion + Student samples show great consistency! (91:31)
Q&A - September 15, 2022 4 PM EST -- Student samples + Fine-tuning 3-week pattern analysis + Sampling 'like' context! (67:20)
Q&A - September 8, 2022 4 PM EST -- Sorting Contextual variables with Dave + student samples show CONSISTENCY! + parabolic trade management with Laurie! (73:51)
Q&A - September 1, 2022 4 PM EST -- Long-Term EMA systems + Establishing Counter-trend context models + Samples show consistency! (77:32)
Q&A - August 25, 2022 4 PM EST -- Modeling context variation + Proper impulse analysis + Continuation patterns + Jeff is killing it again! (93:38)
Q&A - August 18, 2022 4 PM EST -- Student samples show CONSISTENCY + The 3 requirements for any MODEL + Convergents with ELISA! (112:23)
Q&A - August 11, 2022 4 PM EST -- Cheat WOO Rule-of-thumb + Student Samples + DON IS OFFICIALLY CONSISTENT! ...PART 1 (61:53)
Q&A - August 4, 2022 4 PM EST -- Avoiding expansive patterns + Weekly BO Objectives + 3 'Consistents' + Don hits it AGAIN! (84:14)
Q&A - July 28, 2022 4 PM EST -- Great Class! Mean-reversion + Don kills it with 2 easy breakouts + WOO rules of thumb + Contextual mean reversion + Weekly BOs! (83:23)
Q&A - July 21, 2022 4 PM EST -- Forecasting stalled BOs (if it's running into something...) + 3-Week Pattern Rule-of-thumb + Sampling for consistency! (93:30)
Q&A - July 14, 2022 4 PM EST -- PCF Code for eliminating weekly EMA resistance + Pattern resistance PCFs + Samples with Don & Jeff looking productive! (77:01)
Q&A - July 7, 2022 4 PM EST -- Weekly Breakouts from CONTRACTION are EASY! + Learning to analyze price levels with Jack + How to Scans the IGTS List! (63:06)
Q&A - July 1, 2022 4 PM EST -- Learn to read DIVERGENCE to pick tops + Find the best breakouts in Weekly WOOs + Daily Pattern variation! (86:29)
Q&A - June 16, 2022 4 PM EST -- Student Samples + Building easy context models + Weekly Breakout 1-2-3s! (85:29)
Q&A - June 9, 2022 4 PM EST -- Laurie has MORE excellent questions! + A 10-minute primer on mean-reversion context with Howard + Jeff S is BACK! (106:12)
Q&A - June 2, 2022 4 PM EST -- Quick Training: Modeling Intuitive Structure + 1-2-3-4 Patterns with Jack + Cycle models and scanning! (66:44)
Q&A - May 26, 2022 4 PM EST -- Elisa analyzes convergent patterns + Developing price-action & contextual models! (73:45)
Q&A - MAY 19, 2022 4 PM EST -- The ESSENTIAL weekly Breakouts + 3 models for consistency + Pattern resistance review with JEFF! (107:48)
Q&A - May 12, 2022 4 PM EST -- How to achieve CONSISTENCY! + Trading the RIGHT weekly Breakouts with DON + Proper Pattern Breakout level analysis! (69:06)
Q&A - May 5, 2022 4 PM EST -- Mechanical management for sampling + Convergent Patterns with Elisa + Proper Continuation pattern analysis! (117:30)
Q&A - April 28, 2022 4 PM EST -- Weekly R/G Pattern analysis + Levels for Weekly REV/CONT patterns + 4 Rules of Thumb (ROTs) for Daily Analysis! (96:21)
Q&A - April 21, 2022 4 PM EST -- Weekly MOMENTUM sorting with DON + Top Down vs Bottom Up management + Student examples of LOW RISK SAMPLING! (101:42)
Q&A - April 14, 2022 4 PM EST -- Test/Trade-through Patterns + Trade-able vs Random REVERSALS + Structure vs Direction + 3 necessary steps to CONSISTENCY! (90:38)
Q&A - April 7, 2022 4 PM EST -- Your model must include a MEAN! + Creating a CONTEXT MODEL with Jeff + PA & Extreme CONTRACTION with Howard! (59:09)
Q&A - March 31, 2022 4 PM EST -- Just do what Student LAURIE is doing and you'll kill it! + BO+Test patterns & GAPS + Weekly BO pattern variations + WOO keys! (130:09)
Q&A - March 24, 2022 4 PM EST -- Robin's sample demonstrates consistency + Contingency orders for consistent structure + effective SAMPLING methods! (73:48)
Q&A - March 17, 2022 4 PM EST -- How to analyze WEEKLY LEVELS with DAILY Convergent patterns + Trade the BREAKOUT from WEEKLY continuation patterns! (102:21)
Q&A - March 10, 2022 4 PM EST -- New TC2000 'Correlated DIA' Layout + WOO Cheat vs 0-line TRAINING + Don crushes another week with total followthrough! (74:43)
Q&A - March 3, 2020 4 PM EST -- Don does GREAT weekly breakout analysis + The girls are killing it! + Personality! (77:50)
Q&A - February 24, 2022 4 PM EST -- The most consistent IMPULSE is a WEEKLY BREAKOUT + How to structure and analyze it! (101:50)
Q&A - February 17, 2022 4 PM EST -- Low INTRINSIC RISK defined + Sorting Weekly Trends + Personality & Affirmation! (68:42)
Q&A - February 10, 2022 4 PM EST -- Quick mean-reversion primer + Weekly BOs with DON + Student samples + Price acceptance/rejection! (116:25)
Q&A - February 3, 2022 4 PM EST -- Student Samples: Don, Jeff S. + Elisa grasps Early Cycle analysis! + Nikki makes excellent progress with price levels! (79:27)
Q&A - January 27, 2020 4 PM EST -- The 3 components of learning to trade + Plunging while controlling risk + Shorting consistently with Jorens! (80:07)
Q&A - January 20, 2022 4 PM EST -- THERE IS NO SCAN! + Modeling controllable variables + How to use the IGTS WATCHLIST! (46:44)
SPECIAL LECTURE: EMA-Level Analysis -- Trapping order flow for explosive reversals + "Second mouse gets the cheese" (7:56)
Q&A - January 13, 2022 4 PM EST -- HOW to use the DAILY SCAN + Momentum, expectancy and cycle theory + Modeling Analysis + An example of EXTREME Expectancy! (56:43)
Q&A - January 6, 2022 4 PM EST -- Level confirmation analysis + Trade management with Michael + Global stock selection (104:42)
Q&A - December 30, 2021 4 PM EST -- Jeff S. gets consistent + Easily reduce risk with Test + trade-through patterns! (75:57)
Q&A - December 21, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- How to second-guess BREAKOUTS + Level BO rule-of-thumb + simple scan to farm BOs! (91:11)
Q&A - December 7, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Convergent pattern analysis for consistency + Money management technique (position sizing)! (45:01)
Q&A - November 30, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- A TC2000 Primer with Laurie! (50:00)
Q&A - November 18, 2021 4 PM EST -- Learn to manage OBJECTIVELY + Simplifying daily scans with Weekly BOs + Mean Reversion Primer! (89:55)
Q&A - November 11, 2021 4 PM EST -- How to determine PA levels with EMA testing (spot these to find future support/resistance areas!) (69:15)
Q&A - November 4, 2021 4 PM EST -- How to build a WEEKLY quantitative model + Jeff's recent sample! (96:11)
Q&A - October 28, 2021 4 PM EST -- How to combine passive + active management for a complete solution / mean-reversion / a primer in contraction! (78:56)
Q&A - October 14, 2021 4 PM EST -- The Five (5) Components of consistency + Weekly BO Scan review! (21:43)
Q&A - October 7, 2021 4 PM EST -- Price mechanics, cycles & defining counter-trends! (75:41)
Q&A - October 5, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Weekly BO Scan review! (41:30)
Q&A - September 30, 2021 4 PM EST -- Reviewing this weeks BREAKOUTS + GME Short + Trend Context overview with Jeff S.! (70:17)
Q&A - September 28, 2021 7:30 AM EST -- New WEEKLY BREAKOUT watchlist review + GME SHORT with Jibreel + Weekly continuation Patterns! (51:16)
Q&A - September 23, 2021 4 PM EST -- The PLAN to get Jeff S. consistent with simple WEEKLY Breakouts + Early Cycle structure with Leonel! (124:44)
Q&A - September 21, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Weekly OBJECTIVES + 2-Bar WOOs with JC! (45:05)
Q&A - September 16, 2021 4 PM EST -- How to analyze WEEKLY patterns for DAILY Breakouts - with DAVE + RAY! (102:52)
Q&A - September 14, 2021 7:30 AM EST -- Develop a CLOSED analysis system to simply the process - it's easy! (47:18)
Q&A - September 9, 2021 4 PM EST -- Your GOAL is the Weekly OBJECTIVE + Two (2) ways to set up your Daily/Weekly Layout + Recurring Patterns (a key to consistency)! (104:57)
Q&A - September 2, 2021 4 PM EST -- CT + Diverged Reversals + Proper High Pivot Level Structure + Why PROCESS is better than PROFIT! (91:29)
Q&A - August 31, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Signal Line VS 0-line WOOs + Helping Wesley achieve consistent STRUCTURE + Two (2) types of momentum! (55:18)
Q&A - August 26, 2021 4 PM EST -- Why you need to be test-sampling daily to shorten the learning curve! (55:28)
Q&A - August 24, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- WEEKLY BO review + How To DEFINE the OUT + Perform this ongoing SELF-CHECK! (40:28)
Q&A - August 19, 2021 4 PM EST -- A review of determining RISK with Triggers + Handling CHEAT WOOs + Put a WEEKLY LEVEL between you and RISK! (46:25)
Q&A - August 17, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Defining specific breakouts (18, 50, etc.) with COUNTTRUE functions + A simple 3-prong order setup to keep you focused on ENTRIES! (37:07)
Q&A - August 12, 2021 4 PM EST -- You MUST analyze the WEEKLY INTERVAL + Jeff S. dials in his weekly breakout structure! (108:12)
Q&A - August 10, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- A simple way to scan for early cycle 18-EMA and 50-EMA Breakouts + Find the LOW-RISK Price Point! (53:32)
Q&A - August 5, 2021 4 PM EST -- Weekly scanning for Daily LREs with Jeff S! (78:05)
Q&A - August 3, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- It's official - JC is consistent and getting big breakouts! + Robin C. gets a lesson in sorting Weekly BO vs Reversal Levels! (51:46)
Q&A - July 28, 2021 4 PM EST -- Dave R. tightens up his IB trigger context + Jeff S. gets a lesson in finding LREs in Weekly Breakout contexts! (86:04)
Q&A - July 27, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Simple, easy CONVERGENT context with JC + The best way to send samples to your instructor! (52:09)
Q&A - July 22, 2021 4 PM EST -- Early Cycle Mastery with Jeff S. - learn how it's done + Bob S. tightens up his short structure! (92:38)
Q&A - July 20, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- The Weekly Breakout OBJECTIVE with JC - How to structure weekly breakouts for consistency! (49:02)
Q&A - July 15, 2021 4 PM EST -- Watch Dave R. hit analytical consistency + If you've achieved consistent analysis, starting thinking about an arbitrage model!
Q&A - July 13, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Short Divergence Structure + Long Momentum Structure = An efficient long-term process! (44:09)
Q&A - July 9, 2021 4 PM EST -- Bob's thoroughly impressive SHORT sample + Jeff S. gets a crash course in EXACTLY how to get consistent! (91:37)
Q&A - July 7, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- For long-term consistency, manage the WEEKLY chart! (34:36)
Q&A - July 1, 2021 4 PM EST -- Bob refines his DIVERGED SHORT analysis technique + Ray gets consistent and learns when to "Kill" the breakout! (84:09)
Q&A - June 29, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- How to tell if your trigger price points are efficient + integrating TARGETS into outs/cycle theory! (50:17)
Q&A - June 22, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Learn a simple trick to determine if the last HIGH or LOW will be RESISTANCE (or Support)! (35:58)
Q&A - June 17, 2021 4 PM EST -- PART 1: Anand learns to master crossbacks + Ahmed develops a management model and learns the QUANTS! (53:43)
Q&A - June 17, 2021 4 PM EST -- PART 2: Jeff gets consistent SHORTING weekly breakouts + 4 contexts for developing short CONSISTENCY! (43:57)
Q&A - June 15, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Mirko comes to class and crushes it. He's consistent! + Let's build a simple TRADE MANAGEMENT MODEL! (56:34)
Q&A - June 10, 2021 4 PM EST -- Defining the COMPONENTS of low-risk CONTINUATION patterns with Steven & Bob! (45:16)
Q&A - June 8, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Statistical Arbitrage basics with AJ! (50:00)
Q&A - June 3, 2021 4 PM EST -- Watch DAVE R. add specific CONTEXT to his scan structures to create arbitrage models! (105:54)
Q&A - May 27, 2021 4:30 PM EST -- Watch STEVEN consistently sample CONTINUATION + REVERSAL triggers! (44:26)
Q&A - May 25, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Continuation-Reversal Analysis + Cycle Flow / Big Expectancy + HOW to build a Stat Arb model! (50:21)
Q&A - May 20, 2021 4:30 PM EST -- Watch Ray Choo MASTER Cycle-Theory (the foundation to lifelong consistency)! (29:13)
Q&A - May 18, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- 4 Steps To Consistency + Cycle Layout & Variables + JC's Sample & Simplified Continuation Structure! (51:54)
Q&A - May 13, 2021 4 PM EST -- Watch Ray Choo learn EXACTLY how to scan and sort a random SHORT CONTINUATION SCAN! (52:15)
Q&A - May 11, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Weekly PRICE-ACTION in CONVERGENT PATTERN + Get consistent with this simple analytical structure! (53:35)
Q&A - May 4, 2021 7:30 AM EST -- Mastering CONTINUATION S + 18-EMA + 50-EMA Breakouts / Adding context to consistent analysis! (52:12)
Q&A - April 29, 2021 4 PM EST -- PART 1 -- 3-Week Pattern MASTERY (A Guide To Consistent Analysis) (55:36)
Q&A - April 29, 2021 4 PM EST -- PART 2 -- How to properly analyze CONTINUATION Price Action + Momentum! (57:00)
Q&A - April 22, 2021 4 PM EST -- A tactical guide to CONTINUATIONS...CONTINUED! (81:36)
Q&A - April 20, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- A tactical guide to CONTINUATION trigger structure! (46:21)
Q&A - April 15, 2021 4 PM EST -- Winning The Battle To overview of proper management structure! (53:27)
Q&A - April 13, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Timing 3-6 Trend Changes with 12-26 MACD momentum Breakouts to improve SORTING & SELECTION! (53:06)
Q&A - April 8, 2021 4 PM EST -- USING WEEKLY CONTINUTATION Patterns to scan for DAILY CONVERGENTS! (67:04)
Q&A - April 1, 2021 4 PM EST -- What me (your instructor) construct a focused, tactical 3-Bar pattern CONTINUATION SCAN! (83:37)
Q&A - March 30, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Market Timing with alternate INDICES + Sorting by 0-line WOO as primary TRIGGER + Sorting/Selection LOW to HIGH risk + 3-bar Patterns! (44:01)
Q&A - March 25, 2021 4 PM EST -- Jorens' Sample & consistent STRUCTURE + Weekly FANS + Daily recurring entry patterns defined! (39:19)
Q&A - March 23, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Analyzing WEEKLY patterns as qualified CONTINUATIONS + Daily analytical FLOW + The importance of HIGHS! (46:54)
Q&A - March 18, 2021 4 PM EST -- Weekly BO Patterns + Context + Watch me scan to build a watchlist in 10 minutes! (55:45)
Q&A - March 16, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- SIZING for RISK vs AMOUNT + %R Sizing as the ideal SOLUTION! (40:54)
Q&A - March 9, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Weekly Pattern Resistance + Convergent "Cheat" entries + 3 ways to trigger Convergents + PA vs Context! (24:20)
Q&A - March 11, 2021 4 PM EST -- Pattern Resistance & Statistics + GRG pattern variation & definitions + Closing Weekly Breakouts revisited! (87:44)
Q&A - March 4, 2021 4 PM EST -- Robin's Sample + Base Context SIMPLIFIED with RAY! + Weekly Reversals: institutional footprint + Convergents and the PROFIT FACTOR! (99:39)
Q&A - March 2, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Quality vs Speculative Momentum + Sorting Low-float/non-correlated momentum + Sorting Diverged SHORTS! (51:04)
Q&A - February 25, 2021 4 PM EST -- The importance of PERSONALITY assessments + Objective & Efficiency explained + Dynamic Targeting + Simplifying CONTRACTION! (88:50)
Q&A - February 23, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- High-IB-Reversals Patterns with JEFF + Creating your trigger OBJECTIVE + Consistency - creating YOUR success story! (56:43)
Q&A - February 18, 2021 4 PM EST -- EZ Weekly Analysis in 3 Steps + Working toward structure with AJ + Jeff's recent sample + Dave's recent sample + D-W analytical FOCUS! (87:17)
Q&A - February 16, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Using GAPS to eliminate Pattern Resistance + REVERSAL variations + Convergent Pattern structure + 3 Types of RISK for bases! (50:52)
Q&A - February 11, 2021 4 PM EST -- Effectively Analyzing deep bases + Winning the battle with PA, the war with Context + Two ways to analyze weekly BOs + Dynamic targeting! (53:25)
Q&A - February 9, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Tip of the Week + What to include when submitting samples + Consistency redefined + student samples! (28:05)
Q&A - February 4, 2021 4 PM EST -- How to organize samples + Management KEY: Closing BO + LRE FOCUS + 2 Easy management models + Key management DECISIONS! (95:32)
Q&A - February 2, 2021 7:30 AM EST -- Weekly Level Boxes + Base Targeting + FOUR (4) primary SHORT STRUCTURES + A simple MANAGEMENT Plan! (52:53)
Q&A - January 28, 2021 4 PM EST -- Effect 3-Week Pattern Context + Defining BASE parameters for LAYOUTS + Coding 3-Week Patterns + Market Timing & Non-Correlated stocks! (81:52)
Q&A - January 26, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Coding context for separate BASE LAYOUTS + Focus on the SETUP, not context + 2 types of CONFIRMATION + X-back OUTS! (55:30)
Q&A - January 21, 2021 4 PM EST -- Determining Low Intrinsic Risk + Setup Risk vs Intrinsic Risk + Soring TREND RISK from High to Low + Outside Bars! (42:57)
Q&A - January 19, 2021 8:30 AM EST -- Market Dynamics & How To Trade + Creating specific definitions for structure! (45:51)
Q&A - January 14. 2021 4 PM EST -- Your instructor's new CHEAP STOCK scan + Analyzing Weekly CONTINUATION patterns + The 2-Primary Weekly Breakouts revisited! (78:57)
Q&A - January 12, 2021 8:30 AM -- How to structure qualified WEEKLY patterns + Closing breakout vs In-week breakouts + How be DECISIVE with OUTS! (43:31)
Q&A - January 7, 2021 -- CONSISTENCY with Hussain! + Base Variations + Shorting Vs LONGS + Setting up your SHORT game! (78:13)
Q&A - January 5, 2021 -- Exiting positions with OUTS + Management OBJECTIVES with JORENS! + Finding the best LEVEL + Reducing SETUP RISK! (41:11)
Q&A -December 30, 2020 4 PM EST -- Establishing trading OBJECTIVES review + Determining Weekly pattern STRUCTURE + Price-Action review + Contraction review! (73:05)
Q&A - December 29, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Establishing your trading OBJECTIVE + Defining Weekly BREAKOUTS + Defining Weekly PATTERNS! (39:22)
Q&A - December 23, 2020 4 PM EST -- MORE macro context OBJECTIVES + Big Expectancy redefined/continued + Running a stat arb model with smaller samples + NEW LAYOUTS! (41:36)
Q&A - December 22, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- CONCEPT of Big Expectancy defined + Macro Context OBJECTIVES + IBD Quant recap for sorting + Double Reversal OUTS! (56:21)
Q&A - December 17, 2020 4 PM EST -- The WOO as a go-to LRE + Rule of 13 recap + 3-Week Pattern SCAN + IBD fundamental analysis/quant + A simple Techno-Fundamental FILTER! (106:01)
Q&A - December 15, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Scan OBJECTIVES for the IGTS watchlist + Counter-trends + Weekly Patterns + Consolidations + Building your WATCHLIST! (53:26)
Q&A - December 10, 2020 4 PM EST -- Qualifying WEEKLY Base Patterns + Establishing COUNTER-TRENDS + Using COUNTTRUE statements to scan Bases! (73:49)
Q&A - December 8, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Defining the BREAKOUT for Break-even Management + The LRE OBJECTIVE and cycles + PRICE REJECTION redefined for simplicity! (44:35)
Q&A - December 3, 2020 4 PM EST -- Adverse PA defined + Components of Contraction (CONTEXT) + Your OBJECTIVE should be the LOWEST-risk Price POINT! (83:54)
Q&A - December 1, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Hussain's recent sample with consistent analysis + Convergent patterns, reversal patterns and price-action with JC! (50:20)
Q&A - November 24, 2020 4 PM EST -- Analyzing WEEKLY Breakouts with PROPER levels! (45:22)
Q&A - November 19, 2020 4 PM EST -- Sequential Counter-Trend Line Analysis made SIMPLE + WEEKLY Sequential CTLs + Frank's Once-A-Week-Scan + Watch me scan the list! (76:16)
Q&A - November 17, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Sequential WEEKLY Breakout review + Intuiting LREs AFTER Proper BOs with JORENS! (51:06)
Q&A - November 12, 2020 4 PM EST -- A primer in effective WEEKLY LEVEL ANALYSIS with Grant! (65:31)
Q&A - November 10, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Cycle analysis redefined (integrating short/long cycles) + Growth stock sorting SIMPLIFIED + Cycles as a management tool + EMA surfing with JC! (46:58)
Q&A - November 5, 2020 4 PM EST -- Qualifying WEEKLY BASE analysis for BIG EXPECTANCY with Hussain + AJ! (72:55)
Q&A - October 27, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Growth Stock analysis with JC + The KEY to high CPM candidates + The WORST thing you can DO + The Learning Process + Long-term EMA Fan Base Analysis Primer (49:51)
Q&A - October 23, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Context + Management / Top Down vs Bottom up / PEIX example / Weekly Runaways / Sorting Bases / Targets ...with BEN! Lecture (43:46)
Q&A - October 22, 2020 4 PM EST -- Simplifying Base Analyses / Base + CT definitions / Convergent pattern review with BOB + Scanning for Convergents with DAVE! (77:00)
Q&A - October 20, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- LRE and the 3 forms of RISK + Big Expectancy CONTEXT + R-Games vs AMT sizing + Daily Breakout management + Price Rejection! (54:24)
Q&A - October 15, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Management & high-risk entries + Weekly Analysis flow simplified + Price Rejection explained another way + Fan Expectancy / Big expectancy! (42:22)
Q&A - October 13, 2020 4PM EST -- Weekly Patterns simplified + Handling Weekly counter-trend patterns + Desirable Weekly context! (82:45)
Q&A - October 8, 2020 4 PM EST -- Alternate FAN layout + Weekly Analysis / Base Breakout RULES OF THUMB + Base Methodology (concept) explained with HUSSAIN! (59:12)
Q&A - October 6, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Weekly Analysis KEY with AJ (a primer on Weekly level analysis and mastery!) (54:11)
Q&A - October 1, 2020 4 PM EST -- Double reversal Color Patterns + Low-Risk Continuation KEY + Sorting 12-26 MACD CONTEXT + Weekly Price-Action Review + Weekly PA Counter-Trend KEY! (90:32)
Q&A - September 29, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Long/Short Sampling Structure + Short Trend triggers (in base) + The Rule of 13 + Base Mastery + Structuring your analysis! (48:19)
Q&A - September 25, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Sorting Context for probability & selection with HUSSAIN + Sample review with JOSH + Farming low risk trigger (cont/rev) with DAVE (36:38)
Q&A - September 17, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Daily/Weekly Analytical Structure with DAVE + How to handle various CONTEXTS + Weekly Level mastery with JOSH (46:32)
Q&A - September 15, 2020 4 PM EST -- Defining Weekly Breakout TACTICALLY + Don't expose yourself to MAX risk! + Sorting Bases + Macro Context (CLB example)! (49:48)
Q&A - September 10, 2020 4 PM EST -- Continuation Vs Reversals Analysis Flow + Rule of Thumb (ROT) for choosing continuation or reversal + Examples (66:57)
Q&A - September 9, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Proper Stop Use/CLARIFICATION + Top Down Management Review + Bottom UP management review + The Initial Stop Paradigm (46:53)
Q&A - September 3, 2020 4 PM EST -- Weekly PA / Determining Primary Trend + Primary Continuation Patterns/Reversals + Avoiding Failed BOs + Earnings + Base Trend Lines (84:46)
Q&A - September 1, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Weekly BOs / Management, Targeting (with Josh) + Rule of 13 (with Jibreel) + Ballistic Compounding (41:46)
Q&A - August 27, 2020 4 PM EST -- Gray area "breakout test" logic + Improving Base Breakout probability + 18x50 Trends+ Weekly Breakout KEY! (98:10)
Q&A - August 25, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Weekly Convergent Patterns with Josh + Objectivity with convergents + Earn the right to trade big + Management to Break Even with Dave! (49:06)
Q&A - August 20, 2020 4PM EST -- Convergent Patterns with Josh + Base consolidation with Leon + Passive Management Stops with Dave + Outcome dependency + Ameet evolves AGAIN! (75:03)
Q&A - August 18, 2020 8:30 AM EST - Adrina's early cycle sample + A simple approach to LREs (48:27)
Q&A - August 13, 2020 4 PM EST -- Trailing Stop Strategy with Bob + Ameet's analysis evolves AGAIN + Recent Samples with Jorens! (78:56)
Q&A - August 11, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Earnings News with Jibreel + Ameet's analysis flow evolves + Bob's correlated breakouts! (51:26)
Q&A - August 6, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- RISK analysis with Alcides + IPO technical tools with Leon! (56:06)
Q&A - August 4, 2020 4 PM EST -- Adrina makes progress + Ameet's structural system evolves + MACD patterns with Bob + Dave analyzes IPOs! (85:00)
Q&A - July 30, 2020 4 PM EST -- Early/Late Cycle Review + The importance of trusting the learning process! (86:58)
Q&A - July 28, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- NEW! Recent Trigger REVIEW (IGTS Office Setups) (38:01)
Q&A - July 23, 2020 8:30 AM EST (46:39)
Q&A - July 21, 2020 4 PM EST -- Leon Y.'s Success Story! (75:21)
Q&A - July 17, 2020 8:30 AM EST (36:31)
Q&A - July 15, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- WOO Strategy: Price Action + Low Intrinsic Risk + Weekly Interval Structure (58:39)
Q&A - July 14, 2020 4 PM EST -- Positive Divergence + Extreme Contraction + Management Structure REVIEW! (58:16)
Q&A - July 10, 2020 8:30 AM EST (38:06)
Q&A - July 9, 2020 4 PM EST -- Price Divergence + LEVELS + Weekly Macro Patterns (75:34)
Q&A - July 7, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Confirmation/Non-confirmation + Analyzing Expansion Intervals + Order Entry OFFSETS! (42:16)
Q&A - July 2, 2020 4 PM EST -- High Intrinsic Risk MANAGEMENT / 0-Line WOO SYSTEM! (83:12)
Q&A - June 30, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Position Sizing REVIEW / Confirmation + Non-Confirmation + Divergence REVIEW! (51:42)
Q&A - June 25, 2020 4 PM EST (53:57)
Q&A - June 23, 2020 8:30 AM EST -- Trade Management Review: Win the battle to BREAK EVEN! (33:14)
Q&A - June 18, 2020 4 PM EST -- Continuation / Reversal + Cycle Theory REVIEW (71:51)
Q&A - June 9, 2020 4 PM EST - Student samples demonstrate CONSISTENCY! (95:37)
Q&A - June 2, 2020 4 PM EST (102:08)
Q&A - May 26, 2020 4 PM EST (118:54)
Q&A - May 19, 2020 4 PM EST (104:42)
Q&A - May 12, 2020 4 PM EST (107:50)
Q&A - April 28, 2020 4 PM EST (77:04)
Q&A - May 5, 2020 4 PM EST (78:04)
Q&A - April 21, 2020 4 PM EST (99:44)
Q&A - April 14, 2020 4 PM EST (97:07)
Q&A - April 7, 2020 4PM EST (76:09)
Q&A - March 31, 2020 4 PM EST -- Convergent Pattern Review 2 (66:38)
Q&A - March 24, 2020 4 PM EST -- Convergent Pattern Review 1 (72:20)
Q&A - March 17, 2020 4 PM EST (84:11)
Q&A - March 10, 2020 4 PM EST (89:54)
Q&A - March 3, 2020 4 PM EST (92:52)
Q&A - February 25, 2020 4 PM EST (46:01)
Q&A - February 18, 2020 4 PM EST (107:36)
Q&A - February 11, 2020 4 PM EST (99:38)
Q&A - February 4, 2020 4 PM EST (107:42)
Q&A - January 28, 2020 4 PM EST (99:52)
Q&A - January 21, 2020 4 PM EST (63:42)
Q&A - September 2, 2021 4 PM EST -- CT + Diverged Reversals + Proper High Pivot Level Structure + Why PROCESS is better than PROFIT!
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